California Addiction Counselors

Verify if a counselor’s status is suspended or revoked


This website helps people find out if a counselor’s license or certificate has been taken away or paused. This could happen because of the State Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) regulations and ethics rules from the three California Certifying Organizations (CO) to ensure people’s safety and know who they can trust.

If a counselor’s credential is “revoked,” it means they can never work as a drug and alcohol counselor again. If it is “suspended,” they cannot work as a counselor until they complete certain requirements.

These are the organizations with the authority to suspend or revoke counselors:


Addiction Counselor Certification Board of California


California Association of DUI Treatment Programs


California Consortium of Addiction Programs and Professionals


California Department of Health Care

Each organization is responsible for entering and maintaining its data. If you believe an entry is missing, please contact the responsible organization. 

Disciplinary Guidelines

The California-approved certifying organizations collaborated with DHCS to develop a fair system of disciplinary guidelines aligned with each principle in the code of conduct.


CADTP Disciplinary Guidelines Click Here


CCAPP Disciplinary Guidelines Click Here